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Why not take this opportunity to be spontaneous? Let them know you're thinking of them by sending over our Blooming Garden bouquet.


Our Blooming Garden bouquet includes:

  • Designer Bouquet
  • A small blank card


You have a choice between 6 stem roses, 12 stem roses, or 24 stem roses.


This is a rounded bouquet, fancy wrapped.

Does not include flower food.


The images provided are just examples of how the bouquet will look. Size and design can vary based on the flowers and fillers, our designers cannot guarantee what the flower varieties or colours will be. We do guarantee that your bouquett will be fresh, vibrant, and beautiful.

Round handtied rose bouquet

C$75.00 Regular Price
C$63.75Sale Price
Excluding GST/HST
  • Flowers are very delicate so carefully place your bouquet on a vase or on your table. Duration of the flowers depends on how you handle and care for the bouquet. Keep it away from extreme tempuratures, and do not drop the bouquet.

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